Electric Charges

Submit solution

Points: 100 (partial)
Time limit: 60.0s
Memory limit: 0B

Problem type
Allowed languages
C, C#, C++, Java, Python

In this problem you need to calculate the total amount of an electric bill. Given an integer value representing the number of kilowatt hours used, calculate the total amount owed using the following rates:

7.633 cents for the first 1000 hours used 9.259 cents for any hours used over 1000 hours.

Input Specification

Prompt for the input as shown below. Enter an integer greater than zero representing the kilowatt hours used. Data will be entered from console. You do not need to edit the input data. Rerun your application to test each test case.

Output Specification

A decimal value representing the total amount owed in dollars. Keep two decimal positions.

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1


Sample Input 2


Sample Output 2



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